Scar Sighted is a complicated album that requires a challenging listen; it blends black metal and dark ambient, which has always been in truth a trademark of Leviathan. I think, though, that this blend has been brought a step forward: personally, I also hear influences from progressive, death metal and doom. For example, after the instrumental intro, the second and the third tracks contain brutal riffs that sound much inspired by old school death metal. Another characteristic is that, from the second song on, the listener cannot help but notice an intensive use of dissonances; I also find that the third song takes on progressive elements. The album then evolves towards a more dark ambient direction. The eponymous song, the eighth track, is the most representative and the one that best synthesizes all these different elements: continual dissonances, drone tempos, very low pitched guitars and painful screams that can make you cry.
The production, for which Billy Anderson is responsible, is very accurate; Wrest has chosen a thick sound, which is not intended to be pleasant and polished, like the classical Swedish sound is; at same time it is a clear sound, with all the instruments well audible.
The texts are imbued with decadence and morbid feelings, such as here:
“The acolytes of filth
Rinsed in vice and glorious knavery
Made as the filth of the world
In short, Scar Sighted combines brutality and painfulness; it is a disruptive and impressive album. It is a must listen!
Release date: March 3 2015 on Profound Lore Records. The digital album can be purchased at the price of 8.99 USD through the Bandcamp player below.
1. -
2. The Smoke of Their Torment
3. Dawn Vibration
4. Gardens of Coprolite
5. Wicked Fields of Calm
6. Within Thrall
7. A Veil Is Lifted
8. Scar Sighted
9. All Tongues Toward
10. Aphōnos
Wrest: all instruments
Text by Herjann
[email protected]