“The Pathway” relies on powerful vocal lines rich in nuances and emotional charge and the majestic instrumental section acts as a dynamo for the expression, not disdaining some Meshuggah-style instrumental intricacies, all of which thoroughly enjoyable, though you might need more than one listen to fully appreciate and gather them.
Similarities to finest acts such as Opeth and Akercocke become even more evident in “Marrow” which expands harshness of sound and feeling of unfathomable to unbelievable levels.
“Celestial Abandon” is leaning less towards the technique-for-the-technique side of the band, and more on the blackened post-rock atmosphere. Thomas Garcia’s performance is wondrous and can range from an extremely jagged growl to poignant almost-clean vocals that get the best out of Orob’s complex melodies.
“Through Roots and Burrows” furtherly fine-tunes the gothic guitar lines pulling together an astounding track. So is the final “Neptune’s Torch”, almost too full of concepts and materials to entirely fit in. Curiosity at this point has reached its climax and it is somehow a bitter end that the listener is left abruptly and wanting more. We have no doubt we will hear again from these guys.
Into the Room of Perpetual Echoes was self-released on November 20, 2013.
Tracklist: 1. A Perpetual Echo 2. The Pathway 3. Marrow 4. Celestial Abandon 5. Through Roots and Burrows 6. Neptune's Torch | 00:56 05:24 03:44 08:54 07:15 06:36 32:49 |
Pierre-Henry Boivert: Bass
Thomas Garcia: Guitars, Vocals
Andrea Tanzi-Albi: Guitars, Backing Vocals
Yoan Tameriout : Drums
[email protected]