Hecate are an excellent duo from Cairo, Egypt, formed in 2013 and named after the homonymous ancient Greek goddess; their first full-length came late in 2014. The Order of the Black Light, this is the title of their debut album, displays a melodic black metal filled with a dense atmosphere. Our Egyptian friends prove to have very good songwriting skills and a good taste in the choice of sounds: the production is top-notch and all the instruments are well mixed. The influences discernible in their music range from Rotting Christ to Gorgoroth, but Hecate know how to well harmonize their various influences in their melodic black, which, even though not very original, is very well crafted. After an instrumental intro, “At the Borders of Infinity”, the listener is immediately taken by the melodic riffs of “When Eternity Dwells in Frost”. There are ups and downs in the course of the album, but the average level is very good indeed. The best songs are probably the afore mentioned “When Eternity Dwells in Frost” and “Mighty Warrior”; the instrumental “Downfall” is a worthy closure to this album.
The lyrics address anti-cosmic themes; perhaps it is no coincidence that the album title The Order of the Black Light reminds of “Legions of the Black Light” by Watain, one of the most important bands that deal with this kind of themes.
For a first album The Order of the Black Light is really excellent; I warmly recommend you to give it a listen!
Release date: self-released on November 21 2014. After the release, the band enlarged the lineup that now consists of five members.
1. At the Borders of Infinity
2. When Eternity Dwells in Frost
3. Mighty Warrior
4. The Order of the Black Light
5. Infernal War
6. Nazarean
7. Signs of Horn
8. Downfall
Lord Mist: all instruments
Adam: vocals
Text by Herjann
[email protected]