Well, I can’t do anything other than say that Syner is a wonderful album, definitely among the top ten black metal releases of 2015. An intense, profound, dramatic, varied, thought out album; each song is a poem. Grift is not the usual dull and repetitive depressive solo project. In recent years, depressive black metal has flattened and has become trendy and popular among pseudo-musicians who don’t have the faintest idea about how to play an instrument and believe they create melancholic atmospheres by sickly melodies; I have reviewed several such albums. Erik Gärdefors, mastermind of Grift, is a real and competent musician. Finally a depressive black metal album that does not repeat the usual clichés and finally a depressive black metal album with decent sounds; Syner is actually produced and registered in an excellent way and the sound is perfect in my opinion. Once again the artwork, this time depicting a decadent deforested forest, is wonderful.
Even the lyrics, all in Swedish, are full of poetry and describe the depressive mood when autumn and winter come: “In träder natten och skuggar låtsas världars sken. Gåtfullt glimmar stjärnorna från landet som en gång ska bli mitt” (‘The night enters and shadows simulate worlds’s glare. The stars glimmer enigmatically from the land that will one day be mine’; from “Aftonlandet”).
In a word Syner is a masterpiece not only within depressive black metal, but also within black metal in general. This album will give you addiction, so if you really want to have it in your computer, in your mobile or in your MP3 player, support and puchase the digital album through the Bandcamp player below!
Release date: September 18 2015 on Nordvis Produktion. The digital album is purchasable at the price of 60 crowns (about 8.50 dollars) through the Bandcamp player below. The review and a full listen of the Grift / Saiva split is available here.
1. Aftonlandet
2. Svältorna
3. Det bortvända ansiktet
4. Slutet hav
5. Undergörare
6. Eremiten Esaias
Erik Gärdefors: vocals, all instruments.
Text by Herjann
[email protected]