According to the information on the band’s Bandcamp, this EP’s lyrics are inspired by The King in Yellow written by Robert W. Chambers in 1895. This eerie book, a series of short stories wrapped in myths of horrible madness happening to those who read it, is a horror fiction classic. You can risk and read it or stay (more or less) safer with Grethor and the product of their inspiration. Lyrical content is worth reading, as you can grasp a very troubled soul who spits negativity towards the world we live in.
Musically, drum work is really technical, dominating the sound landscape, especially during the first half of the EP. The voice growls, or screams and morphs in a despaired rumble, going clean and doomy on “Monody for Arthemis 2015”. Unlike what is usual in black metal, the bass shows its presence entirely and all instruments come together equally throughout the album. “Organic Tomb” is a great song, the ominous ambiance, and lyrics directly inspired by Chamber’s book.
The musical choices made for the album opening – investing in technicality – and closing – going mid-paced with a gloomy solo and clean vocals – conceal the path for future releases but, man, the album closing is epic. Give me more of those last two minutes.
Cloaked in Decay was self-released in April 21, 2015, in digital format.
1. Wraith
2. Misery of Ignorance
3. Somnia Malum Infinitum
4. Hemispheres Decaying
5. Organic Tomb
6. Monody for Artemis 2015
Vocals – Marcus Lawrence
Drums – Anthony Rouse
Bass – Nick Rothe
Guitars – Brian Frost
Guitars – Tony Petrocelly
Text by Vetrarnótt