Fäulnis, based in Hamburg, have been active since 2003 with three albums out, and have always stood out for a thick and gloomy sound that sometimes trespassed on depressive moods. The new album continues on the same path, but at the same time is characterized by rock-influences that you can hear throughout the album, already at the beginning of the first song “Grauen”; sometimes these rock influences are more evident, such as in a connective passage of in “Weil wegen Verachtung” that has a very rock-like pace. Nevertheless Snuff || Hiroshima is an album of genuine and extreme black metal. In some ways it manages to overcome the previous albums, because of a more melodic approach and above all because it manages to be more engaging and compelling. I think this is what was missing in Gehirn und zwischen Wahn Sinn (2009); From this point of view Snuff || Hiroshima marks a big step forward in particular as regards song-writing. All songs are well structured and have a big deal of variation. Excellent production, clear and clean sounds and I also really appreciated singer Seuche’s dramatic interpretation of the texts. If I had to choose some highlights, I would point at the opener “Grauen”, for its not fast, but compelling pace, “Abgrundtief” and “Paranoia”, for their beautiful melodies in tremolo and mid-tempo, “Atomkinder und Vogelmenschen” for the intense atmosphere.
Very beautiful also the tormented and obsessed texts, all in German; they are about paranoia, disease, malaise: “Begreifst es nicht, Du bist allein / Du liegst da und bist ein Krüppel” (‘You can’t understand it, you are alone / you are lying there and you are a cripple’; quated from “Grauen”).
Well, Snuff || Hiroshima is a wonderful album to listen to again and again in all its aspects; his depressive shades will also appeal to the lovers of SDBM. A shame that such an amazing album has not received the attention it deserved so far.
Release date: February 28 2014 on Cold Dimensions. Fäulnis is the German for ‘putrefaction’.
1. Grauen
2. Weil wegen Verachtung
3. Distanzmensch, verdammter!
4. Abgrundtief
5. Paranoia
6. Durch die Nacht mit...
7. In Ohnmacht
8. Atomkinder und Vogelmenschen
9. Hiroshima
Seuche: Vocals
N.G.: Drums
P.K.: Bass
N.N: Guitars
M.R.M: Guitars
Text by Herjann
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