The three transcendental keys of the title are the three songs of which the album consists. Yes, because the album includes only three songs of which the shortest one lasts more than 11 minutes, for a total playtime of 47 minutes.
As one can well understand, The Three Transcendental Keys is not the easiest album to approach to and someone might turn up their noses. While the sound may be true, so long songs are not in the tradition of the Norwegian black metal. The sound is raw and harsh, and the reverb of the guitars makes me think of the blackest albums by Darkthrone. The Three Transcendental Keys is more melodic compared to the previous albums by Throne of Katarsis; I think the most important innovation is the use of very slow, almost drone riffs that help to make the atmosphere of the album thickly obscure and psychotic. Of course there are plenty of blast beats. The structure of the songs, as one can imagine, is very complex and this sometimes impairs the ability to engage the listener. The style of the singing has partially changed; alongside the traditional scream, singer Infamroth also uses hoarse and penetrating vocals.
The texts deal with satanism and occultism; as suggested by the title, the lyrics are sometimes constructed prayers: “May wisdom's spell guide thee. / May knowledge’s spell bind thee”.
All in all, an excellent album in Norwegian style.
The Three Transcendental Keys was released on October 18, 2013 on Candlelight as CD and on Blut & Eisen Productions as LP.
Ttracklist: 1.The First Transcendental Key: Of Rituals (and Astral Spells) 2. The Second Transcendental Key: Beyond the Specters 3. The Third Transcendental Key: In Timeless Aspects | 11:22 15:28 20:25 47:15 |
Vardalv - Drums
Infamroth - Guitars, Bass, Keyboards, Vocals
Sanrabb - Bass
Skinndød - Guitars
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