Alfapokalyps contains ten songs; there is pretty much variation in the album thanks to the various influences from rock and punk. However, perhaps not surprisingly, Alfahanne collaborates with leading black metal artists, almost as if the band wanted to emphasize that in spite of everything its music is linked to and rooted in black metal.
The album starts with “Bättre där” which features guest vocals from Niklas Kvarforth of Shining; the mixture of black'n roll and punk is evident from the start, but the blast beat takes us at once back to more black atmospheres. The second song “Ormar af Satan” is much more metal and sometimes makes me think of Darkthrone of the latest album. It is with “Dödskult” and “Rocken dör” that the indie rock side of Alfahanne becomes predominant. “Indiehora”, very rock too, features the appearance of V'gandr from Helheim. The best songs, and even the most black metal ones, are “Såld på mörkret”, with guest vocals from Hoest of Taake, and “Syndarnas flod”, which begins with a riff in blast beat. From the structural point of view the songs are very simple but everything is very well performed and arranged; bassist Jimmy Wiberg does a good job but drummer Niklas Åström limits himself to the essentials. Of course, the production is excellent. “Indiehora” is perhaps the least beautiful songs, I'm sorry for V'gandr. Despite the big amount of variation, the album is not always engaging; perhaps it is difficult to appreciate it at a first listen. It is especially towards the end that Alfapokalips makes one lose a bit of interest.
The release of the album was preceded by a noteworthy promotional campaign; one felt that the band was being pushed forward: it was recruited for Inferno Festival 2014 already before the release. One was expecting a masterpiece with all this advertising. I do not want to say too much ado about nothing, but definitely too much ado. The album may not go down in history as a masterpiece, we will see, but it is definitely a very beautiful and interesting album. Experimentation and innovation are strong assets of Alfapokalips.
Alfapokalips was released on February10, 2014 on Dark Essence Records. Alfahanne is the Swedish for ‘alpha male’.
1. “Bättre dar” (with guest vocals from Niklas Kvarforth of Shining)
2. “Ormar af satan”
3. “Såld på mörkret” (with guest vocals from Hoest of Taake)
4. “Dödskult”
5. “Rocken dör”
6. “Syndarnas flod”
7. “Alfa hordes”
8. “Indiehora” (with guest vocals from V'gandr of Helheim and Taake)
9. “Där drömmarna dör”
10. “Alla ska mé”
Pehr Skjoldhammer - Vocals, Guitar
Fredrik Sööberg - Guitar
Niklas Åström - Drums
Jimmy Wiberg – Bass
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