“Formed in 2010, ALFAHANNE’s debut release came in 2013 with the appearance of the “Grym” split 7” with Sweden’s SHINING. Playing what the band calls “Alfapocalyptic Rock”, which mixes Black Metal with Classic Rock and Punk, and topped off with some Goth influences, ALFAHANNE has created a style of music that is powerful and beautiful, yet ugly at the same time, and about which the band says: “When you are into it you don´t feel pleasure and you don´t feel pain but you definitely FEEL”.
Although ALFAHANNE itself might be a fairly new name to a lot of people, the band’s members, which include Pehr Skioldhammer on Vocals and Guitar, Fredrik Sööberg on Guitars, Niklas Åström on Drums and Jimmy Wiberg on Bass, have been around the Black Metal scene since the early ‘90’s, playing in bands like VINTERLAND and early MAZE OF TORMENT. Skioldhammer in fact is one of the featured guest vocalists on the upcoming release from Niklas Kvarforth’s SHINING “8 ½ – Feberdrömmar I Vaket Tillstånd”, which will be released on Dark Essence Records on the 23 September.” (This presentation is quoted from Dark Essence Records).
Dark Essence Records has debuted the track “Såld på mörkret” (‘Sold on Darkness’) from Alfapokalyps feturing Hoest on vocals (you can listen to it below). The album also features Kvarforth and V’gandr as you can see from the tracklist:
1. “Bättre dar” (with guest vocals from Niklas Kvarforth of Shining)
2. “Ormar af satan”
3. “Såld på mörkret” (with guest vocals from Hoest of Taake)
4. “Dödskult”
5. “Rocken dör”
6. “Syndarnas flod”
7. “Alfa hordes”
8. “Indiehora” (with guest vocals from V'gandr of Helheim and Taake)
9. “Där drömmarna dör”
10. “Alla ska mé”